Sunday, September 23, 2012

Meet Bruno!

We added to our family today! This is Bruno:

I saw him in a Facebook group. His owners were moving and he was destined for the pound, so Andrew and I decided to give him a loving home. I have to admit, I was a little apprehensive about getting a dog. I didn't know how he might be with Anna, or with our cat. I was nervous about how he would adjust to a new home. We picked him up after church today and brought him home.

He is such a good dog! I've only heard him bark once when we got home from getting dinner. He doesn't chew, drool, bark, or jump. He does chase the cat, but I feel confident that once they get used to each other that will get better. I love him already :)

He's my sweet boy, and I'm so glad he's here!

Psalm 36:6 O Lord, You preserve both man and beast.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Finding the bright spots in an otherwise dismal day.

Today I woke up with a verse in my head. I had no idea why this particular verse was on my mind, because I hadn't read it or thought about it recently. As my day progressed, it started to become clear why I had been given this particular verse to meditate on.

I went to work this morning in a fairly cheerful mood; Anna was staying with her daddy for a little while so I could be able to work, since I had a lot to do to get the ice cream shop ready to open. I had a fairly long to-do list, which started with making chocolate chip cookies.

I can't count the number of times I have made chocolate chip cookies. I do this recipe at least twice a week. Needless to say, I could probably make cookies with my eyes closed. Today, I needed two batches: one to sell in the shop, and one special order with no walnuts. I whipped up the first batch with half of my mind somewhere else. I then realized that I had put in four eggs because I had looked at the brownie recipe by accident. The recipe only calls for one. Needless to say, that batch was worthless. I tried again. With the next batch, I used the wrong sized scoop and my cookies were incredibly thin and burned on the bottom. The third batch was much darker than the others because the mixer vaporized some of the chocolate chips when I stepped away from it. Only the fourth batch that I made was problem-free. But despite how insanely frustrated I was with my failures, the same verse kept ringing in my mind and reminding me how blessed I am.
The bright spots in my cookie fiasco: I learned three ways NOT to bake cookies. I also did not have to worry about taking care of Anna while I was so frustrated because my wonderful husband was watching her.

The rest of my morning was pretty uneventful; a few of my bags of ice cream mix had holes in them and leaked all over the kitchen, and the cans of pumpkin I bought were the wrong kind and didn't have spices in them, and I probably ran into, knocked over, or bumped my shins on at least ten different things. We were extremely busy when we finally did open, and my poor baby was in a very bad mood. All the same, I repeated the same words over and over without even having to try.

Halfway through the afternoon, I was making a bucket of pumpkin ice cream. For those that don't know, making ice cream involves mixing the liquid milk base with whatever flavoring you need. For this one, it was a can of pumpkin pie mix (or in this case, pure pumpkin with the spices I had to run home for, since I bought the wrong thing ;) ) and a can of evaporated milk. You then pour these into the ice cream machine and let it mix and freeze for 18 minutes. I poured in the ingredients for the ice cream and set the timer. 18 minutes later, I came back and opened the door and quickly realized that I had forgotten to set the machine to freeze the liquid mix. It poured all over me, the floor, the table, and basically the entire kitchen.This was just the cherry on top of my wonderful day, resulting in me having to rush home to change my shirt, pants, and even shoes.
The bright spot in my ice cream debacle: I was able to go home and take a (very, very quick) shower. Even though it was hurried and not very relaxing, it felt good on my tired feet and legs.

And even still, the Lord kept giving me those two lines that I needed to get me through the day.

The day wore on and I was so, so tired. I was hungry, and exhausted, and I wanted to go home. Everything on me hurt. Somehow, though, I found myself repeating the same words over and over again to myself.

Now, as I sit and reflect on my horrible day, I realize it wasn't so bad. There are so many days I've had that have been ten times worse, and so many people have had days a hundred times worse than anything I've ever been through. But even though what seemed miserable at the time was so inconsequential, I am still so glad for that sweet reminder from God that everything will be okay. The Lord takes care of us, even in the smallest of ways.

The verse that got me through this day?

Psalm 118:24 This is the day that the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Reflecting on how fast life changes.

Yesterday at work I was talking to Patti, a lady that I work with sometimes. I don't remember the topic of our conversation, but somehow we started talking about our lives and decisions we've made over the years.

Patti asked me what I wanted to do when I was in high school. I have to admit that I never in a million years would have thought that I would be doing what I am. I Never thought twice about whether I would go to college; it was always just kind of an assumed thing. I had my heart set on being a veterinarian at the San Diego Zoo. It was a big dream, but then again I was raised not to limit myself. When I met Andrew, I was still attached to that vision of my future. I remember how he told me that he was committed to his land, family, and way of life here. It was so difficult for me to understand that a future with Andrew was not the future I had always imagined for myself.

As our relationship advanced, I grew. I grew mentally and emotionally, but most of all I grew spiritually. I studied a lot about what it means to be a woman based on God's word. As I learned more and more, my plans began to change. I realized that my calling is to be a wife and mother above all other things. There is no greater way I could spend my life than by serving my Lord, my husband, and my children.

When Andrew and I got engaged, so many people were upset. Friends, teachers, even complete strangers told me that I was making a foolish decision, or that I was making a stupid, irresponsible decision. So many people thought to tell me what was in my best interests, assuming that I was being impulsive. It was so difficult to watch people I loved push me away because they felt I was throwing my life away. Imagine the uproar, then, when I told people that I had chosen to fore-go college in favor of starting my family. It was the last thing anybody expected. I myself was still having trouble believing that I had changed so much from what I had always dreamed of. But despite the negativity that was cast my way and the well-meaning advice that I received from so many people, I remained firm in my convictions. This was the way the Lord meant for me to live my life. I had only just then come to realize it.

I have never once regretted my decision. I try to think about how different life would be if I had stuck to my original plan. I would definitely not be where I am today. Chances are great that I would not have the amazing baby girl that I do if I had chosen to follow the path that the world was laying before me, rather than pursue the life that I believe God has planned for me. I am not worried about having a "back-up plan" should anything happen to Andrew; the Lord will provide all I need, and I will serve Him with everything I have. I may not always be the best wife, but I know that I am growing each and every day. I am so glad that I did not waver. This is where I am meant to be.

Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

Monday, September 17, 2012

My first blog! Woohoo!

I've been thinking about starting a blog for quite a while. There have been lots of times when I found myself wishing I could document the goings-on of that particular day or just share what I made for dinner (tonight it was homemade biscuits with shrimp and corn chowder). I am going through such a special time in my life, and I want to document everything I can! The look of this blog is still in progress; I know it's not the prettiest thing in the world yet, but as I learn my way around the blogger site, I feel confident it will improve! :) Bear with me as I learn the ropes. I'll try to post on Facebook when I update here. I'm excited to document each new milestone we cross in our lives together. :)

The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace.