Out of all four days of labor, Monday was probably the least (and at the same time, most) eventful. After a long, long night, nothing had changed; I was still just as tired, frustrated, and impatient, and my contractions were just as horrendous. I had no idea that things were only going to get worse. Andrew and I spent the day at home together, with him supporting me as the hours dragged on and on. I thought that that was the longest day of my life, but I had no idea that the worst was still to come. Our family popped in and out throughout the day; Andrew's parents and brother were with us, making meals, cleaning up, and mostly serving to distract me from the contractions. We were all expecting to have baby by the next morning, so there was a sense of anticipation hanging in the air all day. Every contraction brought with it concerned glances, excited voices in the next room, and excitement from everyone present.
After spending the morning at home, we thought for sure that I was making progress, so we called Donna and asked her to come and check in on us. It was around 1 in the afternoon or so, and Donna came out to the house to keep us company and see how I was doing. After a quick cervical check, she told me that I was 2 centimeters dilated and 80% effaced, which everybody thought was amazing news. She thought that she would be able to go home and get ready for a long night, so she left, but we all knew for sure that Anna would be with us by Tuesday morning.
The evening dragged on, and the contractions started to get longer and more painful, so Andrew decided it was 'time.' I remember I was protesting, telling him not to bother the midwife and I was fine, but in retrospect I am so glad he called her when he did, because we really needed her support. It was around 9 when we called her, as well as my mom, and Sarah, our photographer. When Donna arrived, I was so nervous. I was afraid, and exhausted, and I was in pain. I can't imagine having had to go through that night without her there with me. She came and the two of us sat in the dark, breathing and talking, trying to relax. She coached me, and counseled me through some of the emotions I was battling. A lot of other things had been happening, and she helped to settle my heart and soothe my mind. Another cervical check (wow, are those unpleasant!) told us that I was now 4 centimeters and 100% effaced.
Donna and her assistant, Bre, set up the birth pool in our bedroom and unpacked all of their equipment. I can't describe how amazing the hot water felt. I floated around in the pool for a few hours while people trickled in. :P Sarah arrived around 10, and my mom about thirty minutes later. Everyone was expecting Anna to be born sometime that night, so we all found a place and tried our best to sleep. I remember drifting in and out of sleep the whole night, crying and yelling every time a bad contraction hit. Donna was camped out on the floor and coached me through each and every one. I honestly couldn't have done it without her. She couldn't have gotten any more sleep than I did, and she was still ready every time I needed her there. My sweet husband was my anchor, too. The whole night we just lay there together, and every time he would fall asleep, I would wake him up by being loud or rolling around. If any of you know my husband, you know he is the kind if person that needs sleepy in order to maintain a cheery composure, but he never once complained, just held and supported me as each hour ticked away. We slept off and on, prayed a lot, and kept hoping that any minute the time would come for sweet Anna to be with us.

My first night in the birth pool, with my greatest blessing coaching me through.

Donna comforting me while I tried to rest.
Make sure you come back tomorrow for part three! :)
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